
Chisholm Roundtable with MWSC School Captains and Carina Garland MP

On Tuesday 5 March, Farah and I had the opportunity to start the conversation, joining other young leaders in the Chisholm electorate for a roundtable discussion with Federal MP Carina Garland. During this session we were able to hear the leadership initiatives and experiences at other schools, as well as the main discussion where we provided insight to Ms Garland on the issues that mattered to us, and what we believed was needed.

Topics included discussion around how effective our current curriculum is at preparing young people for life after high school, discussing implementing more ‘life skills’ in the VCE, work experience’s limitations or absence at various schools, and concerns about the housing crisis. Social issues were also discussed; such as the gender pay gap, LGBTQIA+ inclusivity, and access to healthcare and mental health support for individuals under 18. Whilst many of us expressed concern at issues within our schools, or fear for the future, we were left feeling more at ease, in that we were not alone and that perhaps together, we could make a difference among our cohorts.


By Georgia K – 2024 School Captain