
Welcome back to Term 2!

We trust that you have had a wonderful Easter break and enjoyed some much-deserved time to rest, relax and catch up with family and friends.  We look forward to welcoming you back for an exciting Term 2.  There are many events that will be taking place this term in the Middle School, so be prepared as it is going to be a busy term.

A few reminders from us to ensure this term is positive and runs smoothly:


The transition period for wearing summer or winter uniform has come to an end this week and all students are expected to be in their full winter uniform as of next week. Combinations of summer and winter uniforms are not permitted.

Students are expected to wear their school uniform to and from school, they are to bring their PE uniform in a separate bag and change prior to their PE class.
If for any reason you are not in the proper full school uniform, please bring a note from home and come to the Middle School office for a uniform pass. The uniform points system that was implemented in Term 1 2024, will continue to be implemented this term.  All points accumulated in Term 1 will carry over to this term.


All students should now have a designated locker, please ensure that you use your lockers to store your bags and personal belongings in a safe space.  Bags will no longer be permitted in the classrooms.

If you do not have a locker, please see your coordinators as soon as possible at lunchtime so that a locker can be allocated to you.  You can bring your own combination lock or alternatively purchase one from the front office.  You will have to carry your bag with you until lunchtime.

Mobile Phones/Ear Pods

As per DET policies, mobile phones are not to be visible on school grounds.  Once you come into the MWSC gates please ensure you keep your phones in your bag which are then to be placed in your locker, this also applies to your ear pods.  The mobile phone policy will be followed through with in the event of visible phones or ear pods on school grounds.


Please ensure that absences are recorded on Compass on the day and for extended absences please inform the Middle School Office so that appropriate support can be provided.

Late to School

If you are running late to period 0 or period 1 classes, please ensure you go to the front office or the Middle School Office to get signed in before going to your class.

Northern Hemisphere Program

On Wednesday 8 May, the online information evening on the Northern Hemisphere Program will be held.  This session will provide information on the application and selection process of Northern Hemisphere VCE subjects for our current Year 10 students.  Further details on logging onto the session will be sent closer to the date by the Senior School.  As always, if you have any questions, issues, or concerns please do not hesitate to contact us at the Middle School Office.

We look forward to a great term together.



Ms Asha Vazirani
Head of Middle School